Programme 2

Understanding Target Students

In facilitating student learning, it is essential to know how students learned so as to design activities to help student learning.

Every student is an independent individual. They all learn differently. Apart from the nature of the contents to be learned, student learning depends on a number of factors related to students themselves. Amongst which, their learning experiences (not limited to learning in schools but also include their learning in their daily experiences) shape their personality and attitudes as well as learning styles. It is important to understand how these factors impact on student learning in order to facilitate student learning.

Post secondary students are generally in their adolescent stage. The changing roles from child to adult will bring them a lot of issues, which are not directly related to their learning, but will have important impacts on their concentration on, and priority of, their learning. It is important that teachers are sensitive to students engaged in such issues and be able to provide appropriate helps so that they can regain their momentum in learning.

This Programme provides two modules to help teachers understand their students learned.

Another concern for teachers is that more and more students have different types of Special Education Needs (SEN) who required professional supports. This programme has include an introductory module on SEN:

Module 2A:
Student characteristics and learning styles
To give participants a big picture of the characteristics and learning styles of students in the Sector.

Learning outcomes:
After completing the module, participants will be able to:
  • Identify student clusters, such as YJD, diploma, AD, HD, degree and top-up degree, post degree, etc. of the Sector
  • Identify common characteristics of different clusters of students, which can be further stratified into students of PT/FT, different subject areas etc.
  • Discuss the strategies in identifying the expectations, motivations and competencies to learn, of different clusters of students
  • Discuss the learning styles of students in different cluster

Module 2B:
Helping students to face issues in life and in learning
To give participants with basic knowledge and skills in helping students with their developmental issues in life and in learning through case studies

Learning outcomes:
After completing the module, participants will be able to:
  • Describe the general characteristics and developmental needs of target students;
  • Identify human uniqueness with respect and reflect on ways to build relationship with target students;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of developmental issues that target students may face; and
  • Apply basic counselling and intervention skills to help students face their own issues

Module 2C:
Understanding students with special learning needs
This module aims at equipping participants with the background knowledge of Pervasive Developmental Disorder and the fundamental issues relevant to how Special Learning Needs treated.

Topics covered:
After completing the module, participants will be able to:
  • Types of Special Learning Difficulties
  • Types of Special Learning Difficulties
  • The Diagnostic Process
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder: Autistic Disorder
  • Asperger’s Disorder
  • Display Emotional & Behavioral Difficulties
  • Psychiatric-Comorbidity: Significant Co-occurring Problems
  • Characteristics of the Predominantly Inattentive Type of ADHD
  • Indicators of Dyslexia Types Difference
  • Dyslexic Differences in Behavior
  • Effective Behavioral Strategies
  • Practical Considerations for School Based Professionals

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